
Sunday, October 7, 2012

{preschool plague and fall}

well it was bound to happen at some point... i'm actually impressed it hasn't happened sooner.  after 2 months of working with precious, yet snotty and generous germ sharers, i have caught the preschool plague.

this weekend was nice and relaxing.  it included video chatting with a friend who moved too far away, the inaugural wearing of my ugg boots (although not the cutest, oh so comfortable), early bedtimes, extra blankets on the bed, lots of hot tea, and so much football!

i got to celebrate a wedding shower with one of my friends, and did some crafting for our wedding.  i keep coming up with diy crafts, which i may regret closer to the wedding, but currently, i love how they're turning out.

tomorrow is a holiday (which funny side note... we, in kentucky get the day off, but in columbus, they're still going to school... you know... the city named after the man we're celebrating tomorrow), so one more precious day to sleep in.  one more day to clean my apartment and do the laundry that's piled up, but life goes on in a messy apartment.  life is sometimes too good to interrupt it with a dirty pan.  leaving it in the sink one more night won't kill anyone.

hope you've enjoyed one of the best fall weekends we've had in a while!

1 comment:

  1. I hope you're feeling better now! And prepping for a wedding is fun. What's the set date?


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