
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

{one more}

it's official.

i have one semester of school.  ever. (unless i get my phd, and although i've thought about it, i want to get out, practice and pay off some debt before i do that...)

this means in 5 months, i'll be working.  like an adult.  like real world.  like eek!

to be honest, i'm kind of excited.  i've put in a lot of time, a lot of work, and a lot of free labor into this degree, and i'm ready to see what i'm made of.

it's crazy to think that come may, i'll be done with a classroom.  i've done school since i was 5.  i'll be 25 when i graduate.  that's 20 years of school.  20 people.  dang.

one more semester.  that's all that stands between me and being kellie crook, ccc-slp (and yes, be prepared to refer to me as such for a few weeks post degree ;).  and if i'm toying around with the idea of getting my fluency specialist license... kellie crook, ccc-slp brs-fs... aren't all those letters fun!?!?!?)

hope final's week is going well for everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Congratulations! You're almost done! There really IS a light at the end of the tunnel. :)


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