
Tuesday, May 10, 2011


phew it's warm!  it's finally feeling like summer here in lex-vegas!

this past weekend was the derby!  i have loved the derby since i was a wee child.  i was the typical girl who absolutely wanted a pony more than anything in the world (this was pretty much the only girly thing about me as a child).  i read books about horses, took riding lessons, pretended anything i could sit on was a horse... you get the idea.  although i've accepted the fact that i am not destined to be a jockey or live on a horse farm and be surrounded by horses 24-7, i make watching the derby a priority each year.

this year, ian and i attempted our first derby pie.
my baker

and she's in!

finished product :)
add to the derby that i won a whopping $4 on animal kingdom :)

on another note, we got home today and noticed our townhouse is for sale!  awesome!  thanks for that notice, landlords (especially since i just resigned the lease today...)  ohhhhh the joys :)

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