
Sunday, April 3, 2011


ok.  i don't usually post this late, BUT one of my neighbors has a dog that's been barking for the past 30 minutes straight, and i can't sleep.

to the uk basketball team:

boys, boys, boys.  you played a heck of a season.  if someone would have asked how far you all would get half way through the season- even the end of the season- the answer wouldn't have been the final 4.  but you did it.  you came together as a team and started to believe in yourselves and in each other.

jorts... they will be evident in classrooms across campus for months to come.  you have proven yourself to be a senior leader this year.  it's been fun to watch you grow, mature, and win the hearts of kentuckians everywhere.  best of luck to wherever life takes you!

knight... from the first games in canada, it was obvious you were going to make yourself known.  you've consistently been the 'go-to' guy, crazy fast and smooth on the court, and brought the consistency on the floor when others were down.

doron... please teach me how to drain 3's.

liggens... you've grown up so much.  matured and are a true leader.  and secretly, i love when you run your mouth and are a punk.  if i was any good at basketball, we'd get in trouble for the same things.

coach cal... thanks for coming to lexington!  you believe in your boys when they don't believe in themselves and you will forever be a part of lexington.

boys, please stick around next year... the final 4 was amazing, but i want to see you boys bring home a title!

i'm proud of the cats.  i love being a kentucky wildcat and bleeding blue.  there's nothing like the fans and the environment here in central kentucky!  go big blue!

now if only that dang dog would stop barking so i could get some sleep...

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