
Thursday, February 16, 2012

{valentine's day}

here's the thing about valentine's day... even if i'm dating someone, it's not my favorite holiday.  i like the idea behind valentine's day- expressing love and appreciation for the people in your life, but i kind of feel like people blow it out of proportion.
valentine's day this year was nice... i worked and got to play valentine's day games with the kids and sugar them up and send them on their way, but also got some valentine's from some of my kids!  they're so sweet...
after work, i baked ian a pie.  i got a new pie plate and wanted to try it out, and valentine's day seemed like a perfect excuse!  the boy likes blackberries, so that's what he got!
we had a gift card (thanks mom and dad!) for applebees, so we went and had a nice dinner.  it's amazing how much of a routine you can get in when both people are in grad school, so it was nice to get sort of dressed up, and just get to eat and talk.
we finished up the night really exciting... brace yourself... ian helped me finish my resume.

yep.  we're that crazy!  the thing is, it was actually kind of fun and my resume looks nice!

i hope your day was full of appreciation for all the people that matter in your life.

and then i hope you celebrated mine and katie's favorite holiday: the day after valentine's day (50% off candy anyone!?!?!?)

Friday, February 10, 2012


if you know me, you know that usually, i'm not afraid of conflict.

at one point, one of my teachers told me if i decided i didn't want to be a speech therapist anymore, i had a future as a lawyer.  i took that as a compliment.

i'm not afraid to ask for a point back on an exam for something i thought i argued well, i'm not afraid to tell a parent or a patient what i think about their current issue, and i'm pretty vocal about my opinions.  i think talking things out and expressing ideas is helpful, necessary, and honestly, sometimes fun.

there are a few things i hate confrontation about.  without getting into it too much, monday i have to have confrontation for one of those things and i'm already dreading it.  i need to ask someone to fix something that wasn't done right the first time, even though they think it was.  it's not in an area i know a lot about, but i'm still pretty sure i'm right.

this isn't fun for me.  i really wish i was arguing back for points, but sadly, no points have been awarded :(

say a prayer for some confidence for me if you don't mind!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

{slacker central!}

slacker of the year award goes to me.

blogging took a back seat for a while.

life has been crazy.  i am at work by 7:15 am, and that's super early people.  on top of that, i have 2 online classes  monday's i'm at the horse park the entire afternoon working with central kentucky riding for hope and i absolutely love it.  i get to hang out with horses and watch kids with disabilities fall in love with horses and have a great time while doing therapy.  tuesday, i babysat my sweet friend, ashley's little girl.  she's tiny and precious and loving her is far too easy!  wednesdays i have bible study, thursdays i study for my asha exam and comps, and fridays i finally get to see my boyfriend!

an update on the mama: she's awesome.  i love my mom.  she's got such a great outlook on life and cancer, and i got to go home 2 weekends ago and hang out with her and my dad.  it was so nice to go home and relax and enjoy time with the parentals!

today was claire's birthday.  i still can't believe that 4 years ago she was a little tiny baby!  i love those kiddos... i've gotten to see them grow up and it's been a privilege.  tonight we went to chuck e cheese, and watching caleb shoot basketballs and claire enjoying putting the coins in the machines was just so fun.

life is crazy, but it's great

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